Product Name

A name is more than just a product description

You have developed a new product and are now looking for a suitable name? Then innomark is the right address for you! Because as brand professionals we know that a name is much more than just the description of a product. A brand name conveys rational and emotional values, evokes associations and is the basis for the development of an independent brand positioning. Therefore, when developing a name, you should work with professionals who, with their years of expertise, can develop a product name that is perfectly tailored to your target group.

Unique product names as a promising way

When choosing a suitable product name, it is first of all important that it differs from the brands of your competitors. A clearly delineated name offers uniqueness, value and recognition value. Only in this way it creates the foundation for an independent positioning and the development of a brand identity remaining successful in the long term.

With trademark searches you are on the safe side

However, developing an independent, creative product name is not enough. You must also ensure that your brand name does not infringe the property rights of other trademark owners by being similar to existing trademarks. In principle the “right of the older trademark” applies in trademark law, i.e. only those who have ensured that their own trademark is not endangered by earlier identical or similar trademark rights will create a secure foundation for the new product brand. innomark conducts searches for similar and identical trademarks already during the name development process and ensures during the creative process that your new product name fits the company and the target group(s) without infringing other trademark rights.

What can we
do for you?

Would you like to develop a new brand? Do you have questions about the process of a professional name development? Are you a start-up company looking for a suitable name? Would you like to revise, streamline or modernise your existing name structure? Are you a medium-sized or large company interested in monitoring your brand or in trend and brand tracking? Or do you need a trademark or title search?

Please call us at +49(0)611/560101 or write to us.