Language-, Concept- & Name tests

Unfortunately, names are not always “self-evident” (and) good. Therefore we offer you specialised tests and tools for the “maturity check” of brand names …

Before market launch, brand names should be checked in the relevant target groups to ensure that they are accepted and can be used in accordance with the briefing. For this purpose, innomark GmbH has developed a special online-based product. With the Zoomex© brand and market search tool, language-, concept-, acceptance- and effect-tests can be carried out quickly and cost-effectively. In this way, pronunciation problems, misinterpretations of content or unpleasant translations are detected from the outset and used as a groundbreaking decision-making aid before a brand name is selected and introduced.

A project example

The company Viega GmbH & Co. KG plans to introduce a new pipe connection system. There is a selection of brand names from which a candidate is to be chosen. The aim is to select a linguistically flawless candidate that will adequately convey the product concept to all target groups and target markets. To this end, innomark GmbH develops a test design and carries out the tests in the sample specified by the client using the Zoomex© tool. The final evaluation and presentation of the data and results by innomark GmbH produces a clear candidate that is now positioned in the market as an internationally successful brand.

What can we
do for you?

Would you like to develop a new brand? Do you have questions about the process of a professional name development? Are you a start-up company looking for a suitable name? Would you like to revise, streamline or modernise your existing name structure? Are you a medium-sized or large company interested in monitoring your brand or in trend and brand tracking? Or do you need a trademark or title search?

Please call us at +49(0)611/560101 or write to us.