Title protection & Title searches

Those who write will stay – this also applies to the titles of books, magazines and film & television productions. Copyright infringements occur when a title that is already taken is used again for the work of another author. For the protection of new titles we offer extensive searches for …

  • already used book and publication titles
  • newly registered titles that are expected to be used in the foreseeable future
  • repeatedly published titles which were not used immediately after their initial notification
  • searches for stock titles according to selected topics or specific terms and title formulations used
  • … and we will carry out all the necessary title protection notifications for the titles you are planning

A project example

A well-known and successful author is planning to publish a new book together with his publisher. While working on his manuscript, he wants to be sure that the possible book titles he favours are not used by other authors. A search for used or protected titles carried out by innomark GmbH brings clarity and lets one of the titles emerge as a favourite from the search. This is followed by a title protection notice, which serves to protect the title for the time until the publication and market launch of the new book.

What can we
do for you?

Would you like to develop a new brand? Do you have questions about the process of a professional name development? Are you a start-up company looking for a suitable name? Would you like to revise, streamline or modernise your existing name structure? Are you a medium-sized or large company interested in monitoring your brand or in trend and brand tracking? Or do you need a trademark or title search?

Please call us at +49(0)611/560101 or write to us.